来源: He Guangzong Q&A network
2024-05-19 11:50:21

Protection against respiratory diseases is key

Stay away from tobacco and fuel fumes

A large number of studies have proved that the occurrence of respiratory diseases is closely related to smoking。Whether it is direct smoking or passive acceptance of second-hand smoke, it will bring great harm to the human respiratory system。Smoking cessation is an effective means to reduce the incidence of respiratory diseases, which helps to delay the process of many of the above respiratory diseases。In addition, it is also necessary to stay away from the smoke generated by burning firewood, wood, charcoal, and frequent ventilation when using clean energy or non-polluting stoves。

Protect yourself when you go out

In winter, the weather is cold, and haze often occurs in some areas。Wear warm clothes, hats, gloves and masks when going out, and avoid going to crowded, crowded and confined places。To crowded places should pay attention to maintain a social safety distance of at least 1 meter from others。Especially when staying in a relatively closed or crowded space, such as taking public transportation, taking an elevator, going to a hospital, and entering a public place, be sure to wear a mask。


A few days ago, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health warning for influenza vaccination in winter, making it clear that influenza vaccination is an economic and effective means to prevent influenza and reduce the risk of influenza-related severe illness and death, which can significantly reduce the health hazards brought by influenza and the pressure of medical institutions for diagnosis and treatment。In addition, preventive measures such as warm protection, wearing masks and frequent hand washing should also be taken in daily life to reduce the opportunity for pathogens to enter。

Proper movement

It is recommended that you carry out some exercises that can improve cardiopulmonary function, such as jogging, Taijiquan, breathing training, Baduanjin and so on, when the temperature is relatively high at 9-10 am or in the evening。If you experience symptoms such as difficulty breathing during exercise, you should seek medical attention promptly。

Supplement nutrition

In order to improve resistance, it is appropriate to increase the intake of high-protein and fiber-rich foods, pay attention to a balanced diet, and supplement nutrition。

Heat-clearing food: chrysanthemum, pear, almond, sugarcane, mulberry leaves, gourd tea, lily and other foods have the effect of wind-clearing, heat-clearing and lung-releasing, which can relieve the symptoms of dry throat, dry throat, phlegm yellow, etc., suitable for winter wind-heat people to nourish and clear the lungs。

Cold food: Perilla, ginger, brown sugar, dried ginger, cassia branch and other foods have the effect of dispersing wind, dispelling cold, spreading lung, can alleviate cold fever, thin sputum and other symptoms, suitable for winter wind-cold people to raise lung, clear lung。

Dry food: white radish, carrot, honey, ophiopogon and other foods have the effect of thinning wind, clearing lung and moistening dryness, which can alleviate dry throat pain, less phlegm and sticky symptoms, and is suitable for nourishing lung and clearing lung in winter。

Other foods: grapefruit, yam and other foods have the effect of strengthening the spleen, drying dampness and eliminating phlegm;Water chestnuts, lotus root and other foods have the effect of clearing heat, eliminating phlegm, and releasing the lung, and moderate consumption in winter is helpful to nourishing and clearing the lung。

Warm reminder:

Children, the elderly and people with underlying diseases are prone to co-infection

"Common cold with nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and other nasopharyngeal symptoms, generally no fever or low fever, influenza virus test is negative, weak infectivity.。Shangrao City People's Hospital doctor introduced, "influenza is caused by influenza virus, fever is obvious, body temperature can reach 39 ° C ~40 ° C, often accompanied by headache, body muscle pain, strong infectivity, there is a history of epidemiology.。Mycoplasma pneumonia patients are mostly children, the elderly and people with poor immunity, often manifested as gradually worsening dry cough, headache, sore throat, fever degree varies, high infectiveness。For different pathogen infections, it can be identified by typical symptoms, signs, epidemiological history and auxiliary tests。

Doctors suggest that for adults with normal immunity, they can give priority to home treatment, take proper rest, drink more water, use ibuprofen and other symptomatic treatment for fever, and use proprietary Chinese medicines such as Lianhua Qingwen for syndrome differentiation。If the high fever continues, and even symptoms such as dyspnea, coma, convulsions, etc., you should go to the hospital in time。

The elderly, children and patients with underlying diseases are prone to mixed infection, in which the mixing of two viruses and the mixed infection of viruses, bacteria and mycoplasma are more common。While doing a good job of prevention, we can also improve immunity and prevent pathogen infection by applying Sanjiu paste, paste recipe and other traditional Chinese medicine "righting" methods。(Compiled by reporter Zhong Zhihan) 

Posted in: Shangsi County
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