来源: Li Dajiang Q&A network
2024-05-19 04:25:16

Shangrao teachers' hospital to carry out Qingming activities to worship and advocate integrity

In order to promote clean education, inherit red genes, and continue red blood, on the morning of March 30, the students' office of Shangrao Teachers' College carried out a Qingming Memorial sweeping activity on the theme of "Qingming Festival Martyrs, honesty in mind" at the former site of Shangrao concentration camp。

Event in progress,All the teachers and students stood in awe in front of the monument to the revolutionary martyrs,Lay a wreath,To express high respect and deep memory for revolutionary martyrs;Student leaders recite "Lovely China",And take a solemn oath;All the teachers and students visited Shangrao Concentration Camp revolutionary martyrs Memorial Hall,Learn more about the heroic deeds and arduous struggle of revolutionary martyrs。

The activity aims to guide teachers and students to understand the great history of the Chinese nation in practice, express the memory of revolutionary martyrs, cultivate college students' patriotic feelings, root the red spirit in the campus, strengthen college students' awareness of integrity, and implement the integrity education for students。(Wu Caifeng Liu Yihan)

Posted in: Shangsi County
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