来源: Feng Xingguo Q&A network
2024-05-15 19:47:25

"Fruit economy" draws a good scenery of agricultural tourism

Wu Shulan, reporter of our newspaper, reported: Spring breeze ten miles, when the flower is not good, Wucun Town in Guangfeng District ushered in a pear flower scene such as snow。On March 30, the second China Guangfeng Tiangui Pear Flower Appreciation Festival was held in Tangbian Village, Wucun Town. The event site was crowded with visitors and nearly 1,000 people hit the pear garden。To create Ewha IP, promote the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, "Fruit economy" has become a business card of Wucun town to promote rural revitalization。

Into Tangbian village Tiangui pear planting base, the fragrance of flowers came, more than 5000 mu of pear garden became a sea of flowers, intoxicating。The visitors took photos under the pear tree, and participated in the garden activities such as "Dr. Pear", guitar playing and singing, Hanfu show, live sketching, forest yoga, etc., and planted the Tiangui pear saplings with the children to sow green hope together。Laughter echoed in the pear trees。

"The holding of the Pear Festival has launched the brand of Wucun Tiangui pear。My orchard has 15 acres of Tiangui pears, this year's pear production is expected to be about 20,000 jin, sales can reach more than 150,000 yuan, solve some villagers to work nearby。Tangbian Village, a pear garden person Wu Kming said that everyone to enjoy the flowers in spring, summer can come to pick fruit, "flower tour" + "picking tour", attracted more and more people to come to visit。

Tiangui pear is an early maturing variety selected from a large number of excellent pear varieties imported from home and abroad by Shangrao Forestry Society and Guangfeng Forestry Institute through years of experiments。After continuous technical improvement, today, Tiangui pear has become one of the best varieties of pear fruits in the country。At present, Guangfeng Tiangui pear planting area of 8000 mu, of which Wu village Tiangui pear planting area of about 5000 mu, Tiangui pear has become a happy fruit for villagers to increase income and get rich。

In recent years, Wucun Town has focused on ecological and cultural tourism resources, with a high starting point for planning and large-scale construction。2023年,The town around the "March pear blossom" and "July pear ripe" two time nodes,China Guangfeng Tiangui Pear flower appreciation Festival and picking Festival,Comprehensively enhance the influence of rural tourism,Gradually form "both scenic spots,Another appellation. "" Look at the scenery,Buy special products "" Enjoy the beautiful scenery,Also taste culture "new pattern,Explore the new model of rural revitalization and rural tourism。

Posted in: Shangsi County
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