来源: Leng Deyou question and answer network
2024-05-15 19:48:49

"Village Wuyu" micro preaching into thousands of people

  Combining theory and story telling, the language is grounded。The audience of grassroots preaching is the ordinary people at the most basic level,So that the masses can sit, hear and understand,Wuyuan County sets the preaching time for each theme at 5-10 minutes,The presentation is carried out in a combination of "story telling" and "theory learning",Talk about home in your native tongue,Start with plain language and a simple story,Through telling the red story, telling the development story, telling the family tradition story, telling the good story and so on explain the theoretical knowledge,Interpret the Party's innovative theory in the new era in a simple way and share the vivid practice of applying personal knowledge,One touching story, one vivid and warm scene to the villagers' hearts。

  The combination of "one person speaking" and "public evaluation" makes the preaching theory popular。The form of propaganda is flexible and vivid, and the content of propaganda should also be rich and detailed。Before the presentation, the presentation team will organize a draft evaluation meeting, in which the speaker will write the first draft and give a trial presentation, and other members will focus on discussion, comment and amendment to ensure the accuracy of the theoretical presentation and enumerate the vivid stories。After the end of the micro-propaganda, we listened to the feedback of the masses in a timely manner, understood the needs and expectations of the masses face to face, and built a bridge between the cadres and the masses through the participation and interaction of the masses, so that the Party's principles and policies and innovative theories were more grounded, more dynamic and more effective。

  Online and offline combination, the scope of propaganda has a wide range。In addition to organizing the preaching team members to carry out on-site preaching in the practice positions of new era civilization in each village, Wuyuan County New Era Civilization Practice Center also shoots and produces excellent speeches into micro-preaching videos every month, which are displayed on the media platforms of Wuyuan County Financial Media Center to further expand the audience scope of the preaching and enhance the influence of the preaching。More than 10 micro-videos such as "Three Silver Dollars with Blood", "Cao Men Spark", "Light in their eyes" and "Warm Stone Gate" have been clicked more than 1 million times on various new media platforms,Through different types of propaganda columns such as theoretical interpretation, reading and story,The content of the lecture is transformed into a "short and fast" lecture video and audio that the masses enjoy,Continuously expand the scope of propaganda。(Chim Rongjun Siew Wei)

Posted in: Shangsi County
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