来源: Yu Keqin Q&A network
2024-05-15 19:50:17

Flower tea sells well in hot summer

  Our reporter Jiang Xuehua article/photo

  Under the continuous high temperature, a cup of fragrant tea with refreshing taste and clearing heat has become the choice of many people in Raocheng。

  On July 13, the reporter saw in a supermarket in Raocheng that many citizens were shopping in the flower tea area。Each type of scented tea has a label, indicating the name of the variety, efficacy, price, so that consumers at a glance。The reporter observed that in addition to chrysanthemum tea, jasmine tea, honeysuckle tea and other common categories, there are dandelion, roselle, Tartary buckwheat and other varieties, so that the public who choose tea stop and carefully study。"Every year in the summer, I like to drink flower tea, not only to cool down, but also to beauty, kill two birds with one stone.。"Citizen Ms. Li said。The purchasing guide told reporters that after the summer, sales of various kinds of scented tea gradually increased, and the response was also good。"There are many kinds of scented tea in our supermarket, and each kind of flowers and plants has its corresponding effect, but most of them are cool and cool, so this period of time is very popular with consumers.。”

  "In fact, these varieties have been in the past, but the number of sales is relatively small, and the amount of goods on this year is significantly more.。Beauty Mall a tea wholesale shop, the owner said, flower tea from the end of June began a large number of goods, into the continuous hot weather after the sales significantly increased, especially a variety of chrysanthemum tea sold the best, like dandelion, roses and other niche tea is more popular than in the past。Reporters in the store saw gardenia tea, green bamboo leaf tea, lotus leaf tea and more small flower tea, these "small patterns" have also become a new choice for consumers。"The weather is hot, and everyone likes to drink some tea that clears heat and reduces fire。Ms. Liao, who is choosing scented tea, said, "This year, our family has been drinking scented tea for more than two months, and the most purchased tea is chrysanthemum, jasmine and other scented tea, clearing heat and detoxifying.。When relatives and friends come to my house, I brew tea for them。The reporter found that most of the flower tea because of the high production cost, the price of more than 100 yuan per catty。"In the past two years, not only female consumers love to drink scented tea, but many male consumers have also begun to favor scented tea。The owner said that under the health trend, young people have a wider acceptance of the types of tea, and tea consumption has thus become diversified, more compatible, and the market is more active。

  Although flower tea is good, it should be drunk in combination with its own constitution。The reporter interviewed Shen Jiakun, chief physician of the nutrition department of the city People's Hospital。Dr. Shen said that because of the different effects of herbal tea, the purchase should also vary from person to person。Some scented teas can be appetizing and invigorating, such as jasmine;Some clear liver and bright eyes, such as wolfberry;Some beauty, such as roses。"Before drinking scented tea, it is best to ask Chinese medicine to understand its efficacy and precautions, so that you can drink healthier.。For example, although chrysanthemum tea can remove fire, it is cool and people with a bad stomach can not drink more。And people like insomnia, tachycardia, people with poor kidney function are not suitable for drinking flower tea, and pregnant women drink more tea will affect fetal movement。”

Posted in: Shangsi County
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