来源: Fan Changjiang Q&A network
2024-05-15 19:50:39

Fine positioning point combined with convenience service Guangfeng Rural Commercial Bank grid marketing weaving service "core network"

  Xu Xuan reporter Chen Jian reported: As the main force serving local finance,Guangfeng Rural Commercial Bank has always adhered to the original intention of "based on the local, serving the community, supporting agriculture and supporting small",We will strengthen our responsibility for financial inclusion,Through the construction of grid management mode,In-depth grid accurate services,We will continue to meet the diversified and multi-level financial needs of small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households,Effectively extend the reach of financial services to thousands of households。

  Delimit the grid responsibility area。Make a work plan in advance,According to the principle of "reasonable layout and easy management",In accordance with the goal of "full coverage of the region, full reach of customers, full mastery of the market",The area under Guangfeng jurisdiction is scientifically divided into 11 grids,Make a detailed interconnection plan,The head office of the bank is scheduled on time every month,To achieve the grid pattern of household into the network, everyone into the grid, street coverage。Assign one grid administrator per grid,Through "sweeping the street, sweeping the building, into the village group, into the community, into the store, into the park, into the building" way,Manage grid customer information well,Draw a good grid management map,Build a grid marketing network,Achieve full coverage of grid design urban areas, full implementation of grid marketing responsibilities, grid customer information frequently updated。Through grid division and responsibility identification, the management responsibility is more clear and clear, regulate the marketing grid, avoid repeated cross-marketing, so that everyone has their own "responsibility field", and the next is to sink down to the "responsibility field" and plant good crops。

  Highlight service precision。Established a "Red vest" marketing team composed of network leaders, account managers, tellers and agency personnel, specifically responsible for the promotion of grid marketing。Implement the account manager responsibility system, and formulate work rules and promotion measures according to the jurisdiction。Firmly grasp the three major positions of community residents, individual businesses and small and micro enterprises, develop a comprehensive marketing strategy and activity plan of "one grid and one policy", customize product packages and service packages according to different customers, collect customer information in batches, and improve the four-scan marketing and CRM system data。The community residents in the responsibility grid are visited and connected door-to-door,Make good use of local community cadres, key personnel and other resources,Collect basic customer information at the same time,Collect product preferences, potential demand and other related information;Door-to-door marketing for 32,213 businesses in the grid,Bring good business cards, product leaflets, information collection forms, gifts and other materials,Promote products such as "aggregate payment" and e Momofuku,To provide customers with accurate service;For 1319 small and micro enterprises in the park,We will make good use of policies such as lowering the required reserve ratio, renewing loans without repaying principal, and reducing fees and yielding profits,We will improve the financing environment for enterprises,Reduce financing costs,By simplifying lending procedures,Launch a time-limited closing service,Meet the needs of enterprise development。For 56 industry associations and chambers of commerce, in accordance with the deployment of "one network docking one industry association", by organizing and carrying out symposia, participating in the annual meeting of the association and chamber of commerce, making good use of the industry association platform, doing a good job in the collection of industry customer group information, upstream and downstream mining, batch marketing, and expanding the industry customer group marketing。

  We will work to meet all demands。Building community banks with high standards,Actively build online and offline omni-channel networks,Build a comprehensive grid marketing system such as external extension marketing and hall marketing,Stock customers focus on product coverage and quality improvement,New customers grasp product experience and volume expansion,Lost customers look back at marketing and secondary credit,Achieve a full range of marketing channels, wide coverage。Give full play to the advantages of multiple fields,Continue to rely on community residents' committees, property companies, developers and other community entities,Around the data analysis and collected customer information,Tailor-made financial products such as "new citizen loan", "veterans loan", "Gardener loan" and "the most beautiful retrograde person loan" for customers,Through the organization of financial night school and other forms of "into the community" activities,Establish resident files and response mechanisms,Create good interaction with customers,And provide information file, business acceptance, customer maintenance, financial knowledge popularization and other financial services,Zero distance to meet customers' diversified financial service needs。At the same time, provide time-limited settlement services, establish rapid acceptance and approval channels, so that customers can enjoy convenient loan experience, through the promotion of online products such as Huinong net loan, resident easy loan, resident net loan, let customers experience the convenience of contactless pure online loan, and effectively open up the "last mile" of inclusive financial services.。

  Build a financial services network。Adhere to the party building to lead the development of business, the head office of the bank to understand the details of the network marketing, and take the lead in the example, personally led the team to visit important customers。The party branches take the initiative to connect the party organizations of various units under their control, rely on carriers such as "theme Party Day activities", organize and carry out joint party building and co-construction activities, sign joint party building and co-construction agreements, jointly explore a new model of "Party building + finance" cooperation, actively build branch co-construction alliances, open up policy service channels, and achieve multi-party resonance。In 2022, it has signed party building agreements with more than 70 party organizations at all levels。Deepen the integration of party building and business, strengthen mutual help, mutual promotion and integration, and Internet interaction between grass-roots party organizations, strengthen multi-party contacts through the way that branches lead party members and party members lead the masses, and promote joint construction and joint construction to become the core of business development。Combined with social security card activation, electronic social security card application, anti-fraud propaganda, anti-fraud APP download and other work jointly promoted by the government, into the rural commercial Bank's loan expansion, loan credit and other key work, truly achieve "Party building + business" common development。All Party members fully carry forward the "satchel spirit" of the new era, broaden the breadth and depth of financial services, improve customer viscosity, do deep and solid full product services, and build a durable and stable financial service network。

  It is understood that through the development of grid accurate services, the bank's customer business marketing has completed the transformation from welcome, single type to fine, mass, through data analysis and use, special training, communication and guidance to achieve accurate portrait of customers, providing strong support for grid marketing。New deposits by the end of 2022 12.8.6 billion yuan, new loans 6.3.3 billion yuan, the number of new loan customers 9,264。

Posted in: Shangsi County
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