来源: Luo Yuan Fa question and answer network
2024-05-15 19:51:36

Carry forward and catch up, and do a good job of education that the people are satisfied with

  General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed,We will strengthen basic, inclusive, and bottom-line efforts to improve people's wellbeing,We will improve the social security system,We will improve the social assistance and charity systems,We will improve basic public education services,We will strengthen the capacity of urban and rural health services,We will strengthen support for poverty alleviation monitoring targets and families with "zero employment"。

  Education is the foundation of a hundred-year plan。In recent years,Our city clearly "strive to build a strong education city.,Among the province's first phalanx "development goal,Focus on people's satisfaction standards,We will adhere to the strategy of giving priority to education development,The whole city has gradually formed an educational development atmosphere of "the Party takes education as the first priority, the government takes education as the foundation, the people take pride in teaching assistants, and the teachers take pleasure in teaching"。Through a series of innovative measures such as improving hardware, optimizing school running, integrating resources, marrying famous schools, and building brands, we will fully promote the city's education work to carry on and catch up and achieve high-quality leap-forward development。

  “我们将认真贯彻落实习近平总书记考察江西重要讲话精神,深刻领会其核心要义和实践要求,推动各项工作走深走实。”市教育局党组书记、局长毛志方表示,"The city's education system will firmly grasp the strategic positioning of 'the party's plan and the country's plan'.,Adhere to the fundamental task of "moral cultivation, casting souls and educating people",With "ideological and political education" to lead the direction of education, with "red education" to light the lamp of faith, with "five education simultaneously" to promote all-round development,Strive to train a large number of successors worthy of the era;Adhere to the principle of "pursuing universal benefits" in preschool education, "emphasizing balance" in compulsory education, and "creating characteristics" in senior high school education,To ensure that the fruits of education development benefit the people more equitably and better;Grasp the function of "centering on the center and serving the overall situation",We will coordinate the collaborative innovation of vocational education, higher education and continuing education,We will deepen the integration of jobs, industry and education, and science and education,To promote Shangrao high-quality development to provide stronger support;Further grasp the main line of education reform, build a solid education security line, and hold the bottom line of education equity,Continuously improve the level of educational governance modernization in Shangrao,We should give priority to the development of education to promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Shanggrao。”   

Posted in: Shangsi County
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