来源: Gantie sheng Q&A network
2024-05-15 19:52:18

Figs welcome the harvest

  Our reporter Huang Zhuhui Zi article/photo

  Figs are not only delicious, but also a fruit with high nutritional value, containing malic acid, citric acid, lipase, protease, etc., which has the effect of enhancing digestive function and protecting cardiovascular system。Moreover, ripe figs contain a large number of anthocyanins, vitamin C and other antioxidants, regular consumption can remove free radicals in the body, inhibit pigmentation, and effectively delay aging。In the Guangxin District Yungu garden there is a FIG planting base, there are two varieties of boji red and Browrick, recently, the reporter walked into here to find out。

  It is understood that in mid-to-late July every year, the figs in the garden of Yungu will mature one after another, which will last until November, and the picking period will be about four months。At present, the park has planted 10 mu of figs, about 4000 fruit trees, and an average FIG tree can produce 25 pounds of figs, and the annual output value of figs can reach about 1.5 million yuan。Shangrao City Yungu Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. production manager Wu Chunying introduced: "In the park, tourist picking is 15 yuan a jin, more tourists on the weekend, on-site picking than the market to sell fresh, taste will be better.。Into the orchard, the smell of fruit came, and the reporter saw at the scene that the fruit trees were arranged neatly and growing well。"Porchy-red figs mature to a deep red color, while Brunswick figs have more deeply cracked leaves, narrower leaves, and lighter fruit than Porchy-red figs。Wu Chunying said: "When picking, do not pick it into the fruit, the fruit handle can be taken off, so that it is better preserved and not easy to rot.。In order to extend the industrial chain, the company also purchased deep processing equipment such as dryers and slicers to process mature fruit into dried fruit, fruit tea and other products to further increase the added value of figs。

  On that day, many tourists came to pick。"Every season, I will buy some figs to eat, I have a bad stomach, eat it can promote digestion.。"Citizen Li Xiuxiang said while picking figs。She said that although figs are nutritious, they are high in sugar and calories, so they should be eaten in moderation, especially for people with diabetes。

Posted in: Shangsi County
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