来源: Liu Zaoshi Q&A network
2024-05-15 19:52:40

Villagers do public welfare to benefit the villagers

        It is understood that Zhang Hongmei and Wang Changchun, the couple of villagers in Jiujia village, Lianhe Township, Hengfeng County, are famous villagers in the village, mainly engaged in road, bridge, greening project construction and other work, and often run projects all over the country。Despite their busy work, they always care about the development of their hometown and do their best to do practical things for their hometown. Whenever there is a need in the village, they always respond to support in the first place。In 2021, the couple returned to their hometown of Lianhe Township, Jiujia village Wangjia Village group, established Shangrao Hongxu Engineering Construction Co., LTD., hoping to bring the project to their hometown, so that the villagers can participate in it and get rich together。In September 2022, the couple voluntarily donated 50,000 yuan of epidemic prevention supplies to some epidemic prevention bayonet and Baishaling Shelter Hospital in Hengfeng County。In September 2023, the couple took out 60,000 yuan to build a road 17 meters long and 4 meters wide for the villagers in Wangjia Village Group, and installed more than 40 street lights...This street lamp is transparent and bright, not only illuminating the road of the villagers, but also warming the hearts of the villagers。

        "The village is basically the elderly and children at home, the road into the village is uneven, the rainy day is muddy, the traffic is inconvenient and easy to appear security risks, we are also thinking about doing a little practical work for the villagers, but also to drive the employment of the elderly in the village.。"Zhang Hongmei said。Not only that, in order to facilitate the daily life of the elderly people, so that the elderly in the village can do something and have fun, the husband and wife also founded the Enqi health and pension activity center in the village。"There are fewer young people in the village, and the aging is more serious, so that the old people can enjoy their old age, and we can rest assured that we can go out.。”

        In recent years, Hengfeng County has actively built Bridges, guided and encouraged more loving villagers to contribute their love, actively participated in the construction of their hometown, effectively solved the "urgent difficulties and worries" of the masses, and promoted rural revitalization。"In the future, I will continue to care about and support the development of my hometown, drive the common prosperity of the villagers, and help the development of my hometown with practical actions.。"Zhang Hongmei said。


Posted in: Shangsi County
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