来源: Tang Nianzu Q&A network
2024-05-15 21:06:46

Guangfeng District Science and Technology Bureau launched the "Science and technology service enterprise" activity

  The activity was jointly carried out by 23 towns (streets) in the region,The main leaders of the district science and Technology Bureau will lead the team,Assign responsible comrades from each township (street),Two special service groups have been established,Take the form of "first-line research",Focus on visiting more than 200 newly introduced enterprises in the past two years, small and medium-sized enterprises of science and technology, high-tech enterprises, and enterprises on the regulation。

  The service team "zero distance" communication with the enterprise, understand the problems encountered in the process of technological innovation, and give targeted suggestions based on the actual situation;Visit the R & D workshop, have a "one-to-one" conversation with technical personnel, find out the situation of the regional science and technology talent team, and issue and collect the research table of innovation demand of science and technology enterprises。During the activity, we guided 25 enterprises to apply for high-tech enterprises and 59 enterprises to enter the storage of science and technology smes。The service and counseling work will be moved forward, the enterprises will be targeted by echelons for precise cultivation and counseling, and the Jiangxi Weiyi Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. and Jiangxi Tongxin Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. will be successfully joined in the provincial science and technology innovation consortium。In-depth enterprise site to announce the "Shangrao Guangfeng District science and technology innovation incentive Measures", "Ten measures on accelerating the development of new research and development institutions in Jiangxi Province" and other scientific and technological innovation policies, in the high-tech enterprise identification, research and development project declaration, technology contract registration and other aspects of the enterprise to answer questions and questions。

  In the next step, the Guangfeng District Science and Technology Bureau will implement dynamic management of the enterprises visited, achieve "one enterprise first gear", tracking services, accurate guidance, accelerate the industrialization of innovation achievements, boost the confidence of enterprise development, fully escort the high-quality development of science and technology enterprises, and promote the "science and technology service enterprise line" activities to go deep and solid。(余凯)


Posted in: Shangsi County
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