• Synthetic material runway inspection

    The solvents used in the plastic runway will evaporate toxic substances such as toluene and xylene, which have irritating odor and can cause skin itching, dizziness and other symptoms。Other inferior plastic...

  • Motor products - Testing and certification

    EMTEK Ningbo Xinshi Motor Laboratory actively responds to the global trend of high efficiency and energy saving。Equipped with high performance/high speed hysteresis dynamometer, intelligent power meter, energy efficiency analysis and other equipment。可对...

  • Lithium ion battery certification

    "Safety Requirements for lithium-ion batteries and battery packs for portable electronic products" GB 31241-2014 is mandatory from August 1, 2015;After the implementation of the standard, all lithium battery products must comply...

  • Automotive ELV testing

    The company's core technical personnel have rich experience in the field of vehicle ELV and RRR, and have helped domestic enterprises complete a number of practical cases such as ELV vehicle hazardous substance content analysis and disassembly manual...

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